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| Thursday, December 24, 2009 |
wad can ii do?

to help her... the her who needed money..

Kinda abit emo LOL.

post later hahas

My slients prayers ♥ 11:36 AM
| Wednesday, December 23, 2009 |
this is officially, my 90 post Lols.

which is kinda like.. dead by now?

ii wonder to myself.. could ii be there for anyone?

ii guess no matter how much ii tried.. ii only fullfilled one person..
well its sze ling? hmms..

ahhh but well.. its just suddenly pop out of my mind..
ii getting my next paid.. so ii also heck care.. giving it to Sl since she needed the money..
Hope she didn't see this blog so can ii think of ways to slip that money into her.


well... nothing to post..

tomorrow mahjong~ wee. xD


then again lets.. see wad to post..
ii guess.. ii have been really bad this year?

but ah well.. next year is sec 5..
1 thing, ii won't get to see lower sec for sure ! and thats because benson ain't around :X
get to play another year of chess(chess YES!) =x
ii love chess hehs xD
2... shuts.. where did ii put that lib book ii owe the school darn =x
need to find and return..

ah well..
fried rice... vista kitchen fried rice.

ii guess ii have nothing to said again..
it'll be fun working at the workshop..
where ii'll be K by MR soh again.

now for a little wish.
which is gonna be really small :x

God, ii wish her results be good.. as a friend.. ii concern her a lot and ii hope she'll pass:)
Shes been through a lot.. but ii know you are there for her always..
her family wise problem yes.. hahas. xD

and tada ii wont said wad ii have posted.. but ah well its has nothing to do with you guys :X

Soneeft: hehs. after wad you have done. ii seriously dunno wad to said or do lors.. other then run away from you --" and IMHO, you kinda backstabbed benson also eh? so yeah ii'm kinda predjuced over you :x

My slients prayers ♥ 9:24 PM
| Saturday, December 5, 2009 |
back again.. this time from camp... will be going another one pretty soon.

firstly thanks Chan for the msg.. for to me..idk wad to reply you.
perhaps in some sense.. ii can't said you understand me..
but thens again.

you probably wont .

the camp was awesome..
especially during the 2nd night.. where ii had a big cry out again..
thanks to marcus one of the facilators who talked to me..
indeed God has never forsaken us:)
ii once thought tat God has never been there.
it was quite a few periods of months...
now ii realised how God has been so real in our lifes..
ii guess all this is wad ii meaning to.. hehs.

well guess thats all

perhaps ii still love you.. but yet the seldom contacting make me.. feel sad.
but yet ii know that.. no matter how much my love for you is..
you'll never notice that..
hehs. perhaps.. my heart will never stop giving up beating faster while seeing you.

My slients prayers ♥ 8:16 AM
| Sunday, November 29, 2009 |
feeling so fuck up now.

ii envy the tv kids..
cause the parents understands them..
ii envy my friends parents..
cause although they didn't bring them to anywhere they are happy.
their parents will still support them, look at mind then.. always think ii'm rebelling
but yet she treat my friends like shit.. and ask endless sensitive question.. friends who know her all run because of her nagginess.
ii have my life but yet got destroyed.
everything is you correct, let you win lors.
ii no longer care wad you said anyways..
cause to me you this mother is a FAILURE!.
everyone though you so and so good.
but who really.. likes your FUCKING ATTITUDE.
you go ask all my friends who know you.
seriously, like kenen and ZT.
dunno how to stop.
see you once never one to see you twice.
my results failed
sent me to boyshome?idc
sent me to NS? idc.
ii heck care with everything you have said this days.
and ii rather be out most of the time then staying at home.

nehs you won't see this blog at all.
cause you dun even know ii keep a blog at all.
and yet so this is it.
cousin envious me,
friends jealous about me.
but in the end.. my mum is just a mum you won't like to stay at life at all.
all she thinks.. is how to shoot people.
no supporting from her at all.

just like you said.
he won't listen want la.
yes, ii won't listen anymore.
if one day ii earn money.
dun expect me to give anymore money to you.
ii once told everyone you are a good mum.
so ii guess ii better change my word about it.
ii'm thinking when ii come back..
see Aunty christine again.
anger, tears.. for my mum.
no longer seems the right stuff for her.
talks? quarreling?
ii guess those 2 words will never come up again.


My slients prayers ♥ 8:32 AM
| Wednesday, November 25, 2009 |
hahah... back posting.. but still LAZINESS KILLS :P

shall not said much today...
wanna kill henry now only xD LOL.

Hmms just wanted to said something for someone today..


hehs.. ii guess.. to said the true.. ii never really treated you well ii guess.. although we are called gans but ii never really treated you well... regretted hahs.. but well.. one part of time ii really didn't acknowledge you as my gans because of wad you have done to us.. pungseh us --"

but well.. when that time Kk they all said they wanna settle your stuff.. ii said that own matter own settle.

oh wendy, 4 years ii have known you.. cant said you grow up.. but well you are slowly becoming one who is growing up..? ii hope next time kk they all won't really have to settle your matters.. to me you are no longer small xD(in age wise) in height wise -ahems- x= but well.. ii guess my point is that ii will treat you well ii guess.. hahs :)

thats all guys, working tomorrow.

oh and yeah.. II LAZY RELINK!~


My slients prayers ♥ 10:09 PM
| Saturday, November 21, 2009 |

I remember the times we spent together
All those drives, we had a million questions
All about our lives
And when we got to New York everything felt right
I wish you were here with me,

I remember the days we spent together,
were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you

I remember the time you told me
About when you were eight
And all those things you said that night
That just couldn't wait
I remember the car you were last seen in
And the games we would play
All the times we spilled our coffees
And stayed out way too late

I remember the time you sat and told me
About your Jesus, and how not to look back
Even if no one believes us
When it hurts so bad, sometimes
Not having you here

guess this is wad ii feeling now..
talked to her.. and ii guess.. promises are so easy to break this days.

"needed someone to be here, to have you .. to listen to my crazy and confused thoughts but where are you? where are you when ii most needed you now.. my love."

My slients prayers ♥ 10:41 AM
| Thursday, November 19, 2009 |
after this post it's gonna be my 85Th post.. guess ii did post that much.. today slacking at home.. after having wild day yesterday, can't believe ii spend 10 bucks.. to play that game.. but it was worth it.. everything was worth:)

today after talking to rady O:
she keep on saying want to go back to school.. Oo.
then later saying holiday.. Hmms..
which make me think..
if lets said one day.. ii am really working.. could ii fulfilled my dreams? ii have a lot of dreams and one of it is to backpack ii guess.. to somewhere like japan or australia.. and had fun.. to me backpacking is much more fun! don't you agree?:) at least you won't be so pack and you would not need to rush.. ii guess if ii would really wanna go backpacking to australia ii would choose the country side.
No matter how much.. of city guy ii am.
ii guess ii like country side..
peaceful and quiet...
Hmmms...well thats a dream:)

well well wads next?
LOL. yeahs ubin ii guess.. ii wanna go next week!
anyone interested?(apply first) :p
but ii guess ii won't bring anyone to go..
afterall.. the last time who ii go with.. was Her.
:')shuts.. hehs.

today super random xD
and next next is.. JOB!~ woo..
ii talk to uncle Oliver for Job counselling once..
and he ever did told me.. about wad should ii do..
not told ii guess.. but he ask questions which make me understand..
ii guess ii can said my self interacting with people easily?
perhaps not to? hehs..
but yet.. talking to people.. and showing people around.. is somewhat ii like...
and not like staying in the sun..
cause ii was having a headache over which course to choose if ii got to ite...
and its like petrolchemicals or.. well.. some other courses..
but ii guess tourism or hotel is where ii wanna go?
ii guess so.. Hmms.. dunno hahas..
guess wont update. for today.
tomorrow working!
PREGO~ weee.. love that place.

"when love doesn't come, it time to learn how to let go" -Ramsey
own quote xD

My slients prayers ♥ 11:56 AM

| Welcome |
Well.. Welcome to my EndlessRoad~

| MY wishes~ |
MY promises to dad ^^
for someone to be happy
| I Am Me |
I'm just a little nobody... BLA? Name:Ramsey :D
Class of: 3/7 4/7
MY age: 15XD to 16 Oo
Christian XD
Sound mixer(beginner) lols.
my birthday!~: xx/xx/1993 present please =x
MY 3 "flowers" sisters =)
my gans family ^^

| Gossips |

| Goodbye |

| Thanks |
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